Professional Projects
Video game titles created by teams of 20 or more developers

Deemo 2
- Position:
- Technical Project Manager
- Senior Software Engineer
- Contribution:
- Led ten programmers with Agile development
- Worked with scripting languages to enhance issue management
- Implemented the store, song search, character previews, mailbox, announcements and ads systems.

Soul Of Eden
- Position:
- Software Engineer
- Contribution:
- Worked with behavior trees to create different characters’ behaviors and skills
- Implemented a localization system in Unity with instant preview functionality.
Personal Projects
Side projects, game jams, master’s thesis, and more…

Top Down RPG
- Highlights:
- Used Gameplay Ability System to calculate damages,
- Used AI System (Behavior Tree, Blackboard, AI Perception, EQS)
- Used UI system (Widget) to show damage, health bar and skills.

- Highlights:
- Implemented A* algorithm in C++
- Able to take obstacles into account

Bouncing Melody
- Highlights:
- Self made rhythm game, handles midi files and animations
- Created toon shading for objects.

Unity, C#, team size: 5, Akatsuki hackathon, 2017
- Highlights:
- First place at Akatsuki hackathon
- Played with mobiles’ gyro and accelerator.
- Implemented AI behavior including idle, wander and seek.

Unity, C#, team size: 5, Logitech hackathon, 2017
Neon Party
- Highlights:
- 4th Place at Logitech hackathon
- A color combination rhythm game with Logitech RGB keyboard
- Improved judgments using data structure and grade using BPM

Python, OpenCV, Numpy, matplotlib, 2017
Video Style Transformation Based on Semantic Segmentation
- Highlights:
- Master thesis posted in the Journal of Chinese Institute of Engineers
- Segmented foreground objects and background, and applied different styles respectively
- Increased the reliability of the segmentation.
- Used segmentation to improve optical flow

C++, OpenGL, bullet, Leap motion, team size: 3 , 2015
Stereoscopic Visual Simulation of Paper-Cutting Using a Gesture Motion Sensor
- Highlights:
- Winned Best Popularity Award at Independent study contest
- Paper simulation and cut deformation using bullet physic engine
- Rendered papers and user interface using OpenGL
- Detected the gestures of folding, cutting and unfolding using Leap motion
- Increased the sense of stereoscopic using stereoscope

Blender, Goldwave, team size: 2, 2015
We will get better
- Highlights:
- First animated music video.
- Encourage the examinee through my experiences of passing the examination of the institute

Unity, C#, Blender, team size: 2, 2015
Snow Globe
- Highlights:
- Created the shadows for simple geometry objects using ray marching
- Coded in Unity shader Cg
Feel free to send me an email here:
I’ll try to respond as fast as I can!
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